plus minus (2022) aluminium, resin, recycled glass, led (22 x 22 x 6, 22 x 3 x 6cm)

dead-end-cross (2020) aluminium, resin, recycled glass, led ( p.p. 31 x 91 x 9 cm, inst. 154 x 154 x 9 cm)
two arrows / void (2019) aluminium, resin, recycled glass, led (139 x 10 x 3,5 cm) two-way: (2019) aluminum, resin, recycled glass, led (43 x 25 x 25/140 cm)
turning arrows (2020) aluminium, resin, recycled glass, led (20 x 126 x 6 cm)
corner arrows (2019) aluminum, resin, recycled glass, led (125 x 49 x 3,5/10 cm) my own wall – tower (2019) aluminium, mirror-polished (each 33 x 15 x 3 cm)
signs and icons
(english text below)
Form, Licht und Farbe, Größe und Proportionen, Lage und Bezug zum umgebenden Raum, Kombinationen und Anordnung verändern die Aussage oder fügen dieser eine zusätzliche hinzu.
Im Kontext der Sozialisation und dem sich verändernden Blickwinkel erschließen sich in den Objekten ursprüngliche und verdeckte Informationen und Bedeutungen.
Das Ziel ist das Erkennen der Vielschichtigkeit der inhärenten Bedeutungen über die ikonographische Grundform hinaus.

arrows stack (2019/21) aluminium, resin, recycled glass, led (e.p. 94 x 16 x 5,5 cm)
signs and icons
Shape, light and colour, size and proportions, position and relation to the surrounding space, combinations and arrangement change the statement or add to it.
In the context of socialisation and the changing perspective, original and hidden information and meanings are revealed in the objects.
The aim is to recognise the complexity of inherent meanings beyond the basic iconographic form.
space-dividing double-cross (2017) aluminium, resin, recycled glass, led (66 x 66 x 31 cm)
halfcross (2019) aluminium, resin, recycled glass, led (157 x 157 x 8 cm)
3 arrows (2019) aluminium, resin, recycled glass, led (94 x 16 x 5,5 cm)
verwandte Themen – signs and society
misguided discourse (2021) swastika/cross (2021) aluminium, resin, recycled glass, led, felt, electric wire (35 x 35 x 5 cm)
lost reference (2021) relic (2021) cross – aluminium, resin, recycled glass, fragments of a floor mat (55 x 55 x 5 cm h 210 cm)
half hashtags (2021) aluminium, resin, recycled glass, led (49 x 38 x 3 cm)
who’s famous? / hashtags (2019) aluminium, resin, recycled glass, led (p.p. 48 x 48 x 4cm)